Project Team

  • Project Team

Stockholm Resilience Centre

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Lan Wang-Erlandsson

She is a researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), where she focuses on the large-scale interactions between land, water, and climate, and their implications for social-ecological and Earth system resilience. Her research questions include the role of land-use for sustaining rainfall, root adaptation for rainforest resilience under climate change, and freshwater for climate change mitigation measures. She has also been a postdoctoral fellow at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature in Kyoto, Japan. She holds a PhD degree in global hydrology from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands (2017) and a MSc degree in civil engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (2009).

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Ingo Fetzer

Ingo Fetzer has a strong interest in studying whole system processes and understanding interactions between multiple stressors across scales. He investigates system dynamics using statistical methods, identifying relevant drivers, analysing large datasets and focusing on non-linear regime shifts and alternative stable states to maintain resilience and resistance to perturbations. His research goals include identifying a just and safe operating space for humans, tracing planetary boundaries, comparing different modelling approaches, and developing more detailed, spatially explicit models. With a PhD in ecology, he has extended his expertise to global carbon and water cycle, theoretical ecology, bioinformatics and ecological modelling, most recently focusing on using and bringing together outputs of Dynamic Global Vegetation Model to study biosphere dynamics in the Anthropocene era.


Lucie Bakels

Lucie Bakels is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC). She is working on analysing the local and remote effects of hydroclimatic adaptation. She has experience in atmospheric transport modelling. She holds a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Western Australia (2020), and a MSc in Physics from Radboud University Nijmegen (2016).

KTH Royal Institute of Technology  



Zahra Kalantari

Zahra Kalantari is Associate Professor in Environmental and Engineering Geosciences and Director of the WaterCenter at KTH. She is coordinator and leading investigator of a number of ongoing projects, contributing and also stimulating further essential work for wise and sustainable management of water resources. She has created a legacy of research-policy-practice collaboration to build long-term institutional capacity and a knowledge base about the greatest challenges in Sweden and internationally, such as climate change-related impacts on risk, sustainability and resilience. She has made critical contributions to advancing understanding of coupled human-natural processes, particularly the interactions of complex environments with water resources, land use and climate. She is also a thought leader in both research and practice for adapting built environments to water-related climate risks and climate action planning. She has been PI in 20+ interdisciplinary research projects of relevance and accessibility for politicians and regional and local stakeholders, involving parties from different societal sectors.


Carla Sofia Santos Ferreira

Carla Ferreira is a senior researcher at the Polytechnic University of Coimbra, in the fields of sustainable land management and adaptation to climate change. She has been involved in numerous national and international research projects. She is actively involved in the scientific community, namely by organizing technical and scientific events, and performing as an editor in prestigious peer-reviewed journals.

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Massoud Behboudian

Postdoctoral Research Associate Massoud Behboudian works at SEED at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. He has worked on projects related to the Resilience Assessment of Water Resources Systems, Hydrological modeling, Water Allocation modeling, Simulation-Optimization modeling, Hydrological Ecosystem Services assessment, Extreme events analysis, Group decision-making analysis, Game Theory, Hierarchical Decision-maker's Structure, Water and Environmental Carrying Capacity (WECC) analysis, and Climate Change impact assessment.

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Sara Anamaghi

Sara Anamaghi is a Research Engineer at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. She holds an MSc degree in water resource management. Her research expertise lies mostly in the areas of Water Resource Resilience, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making approaches, Extreme Event Analysis, and Water and Environmental Resources Carrying Capacity.


Stockholm International Water Institute

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Anna Tengberg

Anna Tengberg is a Senior Advisor at Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and Adjunct Professor at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS). She holds a PhD in Physical Geography from Gothenburg University. She has lived and conducted fieldwork and research in Africa and Asia and published papers on various aspects of sustainable land and water management. She has also been a UN employee for more than a decade, first with UNEP and later with the UNDP where she was responsible for the sustainable land and water management portfolios at global level, as well as international waters portfolio in the Asia-Pacific region. Anna is currently involved in SIWI’s programmes in Africa on Water-smart Forest Landscape Restoration and Transforming Investments in African Rainfed Agriculture (TIARA) with a focus on green water governance. At LUCSUS, she is co-leading a scientific assessment of the Great Green Wall Initiative in the Sahara and Sahel region with funding from the GEF.

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


Fabian Stenzel

Fabian Stenzel is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. He is working with the biosphere model LPJmL e.g. on the risk of biosphere degradation, negative emissions, and Planetary boundaries. In his PhD at Humboldt-University Berlin (2017-2021) he assessed the "Irrigation water demand of large scale biomass plantations". He received his MSc in Geophysics from LMU and TU Munich in 2015.


Julia Jünger

Julia Jünger is working as a Student Assistant at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.


Advisory Board


Boris Sakschewski

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


Johan Rockström

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


Dieter Gerten

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research


Kirsten Thonicke

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research